Mechanical Car Repairs: Spotting Early Warning Signs

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A vehicle is a complex assembly of mechanical components, each playing a vital role in its operation. Recognising early warning signs of potential mechanical issues can lead to timely repairs, preventing costly future damage. This blog explores some common signs indicating the need for mechanical car repairs. Unusual Noises One of the first signs of mechanical trouble often comes in the form of unusual noises. These could range from squealing brakes and clattering sounds under the hood to a humming noise from the tyres.…

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Can You Drive Your Car If One of the Tyres Has a Bulge?

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Have you noticed a bulge on the side of one of your car’s tyres? In the trade, this is known as a “bubble,” and it is not something that you should ignore. What can cause this deformation and why is it a potential problem? Tyre Construction To find out why a bulge like this can appear, you need to understand how a tyre is made. While the process is very intricate, it will essentially involve the matting together of many different layers of rubber, fabric, polyester and steel wire.…

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3 Types of Wear That Can Happen to Your Car Tyres

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Because your automotive tyres are constantly in contact with the road, it is normal for them to develop wear due to cuts, punctures and bulges. Sometimes, these problems might go unnoticed. Therefore, it is crucial to pay attention to your tyres to avoid getting caught off guard in the middle of the road.  As a vehicle owner, you should learn how to inspect your tyres so you can seek professional help as early as possible.…

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